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Athletic Directors


1.  Vacancies for head and assistant coaches must be posted for 10 days.  The only exception would be If a position will be filled by a person already on staff at the school, the position does not have to be posted.   For example, Coach Jones has been coaching tennis at ABC High.  Next year we want Coach Jones to be the Wrestling coach.  We do not have to post the position for wrestling because Coach Jones will fill the spot and already on staff as a coach at ABC High School.  Now, if we chose to fill his tennis position with someone already on staff we do not have to post, we are simply switching assignments.  However, if we do not have someone on staff at ABC High to coach tennis we would advertise the position.  
2.  Assistant Positions would be handled in the same manner.  If someone is already an assistant on staff at our school and we switch sports they are assigned to then we do not need to post the position.  However, if we are seeking new assistants who are not currently on staff, we do post the position.   
3.  Posted positions remain for 10 days and are removed from the web.  At that point, you review applications, select candidates for interviewing and conduct interviews.  After interviews, a candidate is selected for the position and contacted to see if they will accept the position.  If they do, you submit an approval packet to HR for their approval.  A background check is completed and if that is ok, they would be approved at the next BOE meeting.  
4.  It is important to note the time delay from the posting of a position until they are actually approved by the BOE.   It would be almost impossible to conduct a posting, interview and approval within a 30 day period.  45 days is a more realistic time table.  A lot of that would depend upon the timing of the BOE meeting for the month and posting of the position.  They key is don't wait until 15 days before a season begins to solidify your coaching positions.  You need to know 2-3 months in advance at a minimum.  If there is a great deal of turnover with your coaching staff, expect an even greater window of time to have a staff approved.  
5.  They best step you can make as an Athletic Director is in a quality staff that will be with you over time.  It is a lot easier to keep and develop a staff than to replace coaches each year.  Coaches need staff development just as our teachers do.
6.  All Non-faculty coaches MUST be BOE APPROVED prior to contact with student-athletes. The Non-Faculty Recommendation Packet can be found  here. The updated background check form can be found here.


1.  All coaches will need to take Fundamentals of Coaching before the opening contest in any sport.  In addition, coaches will need to take the Concussion and Heat Illness Prevention Course.  All these are available with the National Federation of High Schools at .  The NCHSAA approved in the spring that all coaches must complete the NFHS Concussion Course or an equivalent/comparable concussion course prior to the first practice of the sport he/she coaches; Fine = $500
2.  The NCHSAA approved dropping the 60-day window for all newly hired (new to your LEA, and has not passed the course), non-faculty (non-teaching, certified personnel), volunteer, and part-time coaches to take the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching Course; Coaches must complete the course prior to the first play date of the sport he/she coaches; Fine = $500 
3.  Remember the NCHSAA will impose a penalty for coaches failing to take the required courses.
4.  Also note that in 2017-2018 all coaches will need to take the Cardiac Arrest/AED course.  This is for MS and HS coaches in DCS.


1.  Any student athlete ejected or disqualified from a contest is now required to complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course before being eligible to return to competition—the Star Sportsmanship Program will no longer be used.
2.  Attendance Policy: Students must now meet the local LEA attendance policy during the previous semester—no longer is there a statewide policy for determining athletic eligibility; however, the NCHSAA still supports and promotes attendance as a necessary part of the educational experience. 


Middle Grades (6-8)
Students must be in attendance 85% of the school days per the NCDPI's Middle School Athletics Handbook.  But, attendance of athletes should always be monitored closely.  When a student has missed more than 10. days (unexcused) he/she may not be promoted due to excessive absenteeism.  Failure to be promoted would affect eligibility.  
  • It is important to note that when a student is not promoted due to excessive absences, the retention decision may be appealed to an appeals committee at the local school. The appeal must be made in writing by the parent or guardian within five (5) days following the receipt of an attendance/failure notice. Documentation verifying why the student was absent will be required.  Following an excused absence, students will have five (5) days to make up work missed during that absence. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the makeup process.
  • No more than five (5) parental notes will be accepted per year before further documentation is required. When total absences (unexcused) exceed 10 days per year, further documentation verifying reason for absence may be required (doctor’s statement, court order, etc.). Any student who misses more than 10 days per year will have the opportunity to appeal their absenteeism at the local school.  
  • Students must be present one-half of the day in order to be considered present. Teachers should notify the principal and school social worker when a student has accumulated three (3) unexcused absences. Principals or his/her designee may make arrangements in some circumstances for a student make up unexcused time through methods such as, Saturday detention, after school detention, Study Island, etc.

High School Grades 9-12

Beginning with the 2016-17 SY high school atheles should be in attendance 85% of the school year.  This is congruent with the 85% rule the NCHSAA had a few years ago.  Any absence in excess of five (excused or unexcused) per semester may constitute a failure in the coursework being attempted. Following an excused absence, students will be responsible for initiating the make up process for any work missed.  Please refer to your athletic director's and coaches handbook for further clarification.
Special Education and 504 Students must meet all eligibility requirements.  If you have questions about modifications or concerns with this please contact Ken Avent. 
Sixth grade students can not practice, participate in practice or play.  If these students are managers they should meet all eligibility requirements student-athletes meet.   
First responders should be at all football practices and games.  First responders should have no coaching responsibilities. In addition, First Responders in 2015-16 should expect the following requirements:
A.  First Aid Certification
B.  CPR Certification
C.  Epi-pen Training
D.  20 Hours / year of training
Any student out for 5 days due to sickness will need a medical release form signed to return to practice.   

All coaches should have the following courses in their professional development plans:

1. Fundamentals of Coaching (NFHS)
2.  First Aid/CPR (can be secured via NFHS)
3.  Cardiac Arrest/AED
4.  Epi-pen training
5.  NFHS Concussion course
6.  NFHS Heat Illness course
7.   Sport specific course via NFHS (by 3rd year of coaching)