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Online Meal Payment option available now

With and Duplin County Schools!!


Web Prepayment system for school meals

With you never have to worry about lost lunch money again. is a secure, easy and convenient way to apply funds directly to your student's account online. You can even check the account balance and keep an eye on what your student is buying! As an added convenience, parents can receive a Low Balance notification email alerting the parent that the student’s account will need another payment applied soon.


www.K12PaymentCenter.comhas been designed to make it easy for you to know exactly what information you need to provide and to guide you through the process.




No Charge Access:


·         If you wish to ONLY make deposits to one child’s account, there are no registration or membership fees!  All you will be charged are the banking fees associated with your debit or credit card, $1.95 per transaction/payment.


Premium Membership:


·         $10 Membership fee (one-time only)--only through 2015-2016; There will be NO MEMBERSHIP FEE beginning July 1, 2016! All previous accounts will be changed to Premium Status school year 2016-2017!

·         Deposit money with ease using your debit or credit card

·         Flexibility to deposit money into multiple student accounts with one payment

·         View Account Balances

·         View 90 day Meal History

·         Low Balance Notification via email


To learn more visit to register, you simply need your student’s district student Powerschool Id #. If you do not have this number you may obtain it from your student’s school.

Duplin County Schools Child Nutrition Department does not administer or troubleshoot  Please go to for customer service.