AIG Resources 6-8
Middle School AIG Resources
Grades 6-8
Middle Grades AIG Services
- North Carolina Virtual Public Schools (NCVPS) - Earn high school credit by taking high school courses while in middle school.
- National Beta Club
- Flexible Grouping -Students in each class are assigned to a small group for instruction based on ability and/or interest.
- Advanced Math Opportunity (Compacted Math Courses) - Students are exposed to advanced math standards while enrolled in Compacted Math courses.
Resources for Talent Development
Classroom Resources
- Advanced Learning Hub
- NC DPI Advanced Learning Labs
- Reading with Relevance
- The BIG6 Research Skills
- Primary American History Documents
- Timeline of Revolutionary War
- The Book Whisperer
- Design Video Games
- Know it All
Student Research Resources
The following age-appropriate sites help students answer their own questions, do homework assignments and focused research.
- CNN Student News (
- CyberSleuth Kids (
- Fact Monster (
- Homework Spot (
- Infoplease (
- International Children’s Digital Library (
- (
- Library Spot (
- The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (
- (