2024-2027 Digital Learning & Technology Plan
- Category 1: Leadership
- Category 2: Human Capacity
- Category 3: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Category 4: Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
- Category 5: Technology, Infrastructure, & Devices
- Committee Members
Category 1: Leadership
Leadership and vision are paramount to the success and continuous improvement of schools and students. Leadership involves effective planning and execution as well as communication and reflection, to ensure that the student learning experience is the focus of all instructional decisions. Vision governs actions that result in achieving goals and desired student outcomes.
Goal 1: A shared vision for digital teaching and learning is established and communicated with all stakeholders.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Accomplished 2024-2025: |
Alignment to Other Plans & Initiatives: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Utilize a district Digital Learning & Technology Plan committee to develop a shared vision for goals and strategies. | Meeting agendas and minutes | Yearly | October 2023 | Complete |
Align district Digital Learning & Technology goals to the district strategic plan. | District & School Digital Learning & Technology Plan | Yearly | October 2023 | |
Educate all stakeholders regarding the district digital teaching and learning goals and strategies to promote the growth of the district on state Digital Learning Rubric. | Meeting agendas and minutes | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Implement and fund social media use by the district utilizing the state professional guidelines for implementation. | Social Media Policy Social Media Followings | Ongoing | December 2024 | |
Develop relationships with external partners to secure additional funding for support of digital teaching and learning. | Grant applications, award letters and sponsorships | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Goal 2: Effectively plan and implement action steps to carry out the shared vision.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Accomplished 2024-2025: |
Alignment to Other Plans & Initiatives: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Provide professional development for cabinet and school administrators to ensure modeling and effective use of seamless high-quality digital integration. | Professional Development Offerings Attendance Logs | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Utilize and continuously evaluate the district Digital Learning & Technology Plan based on on-going and varied data collection. | Yearly Rubric Results Yearly Digital Learning Plan Updates | Once Per Year | June 2024 | |
Employ Digital Learning & Media coordinators, STEAMA Curriculum Facilitators, and/or Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists to deliver personalized digital learning-focused PD sessions in small group settings using multiple pedagogical strategies during planning, PLCs or after school to develop proficiency in the NC Digital Learning Competencies. Target: 12 Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists Goal: 4 Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists Current: 1 permanent Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists |
Human Resource Data | Once | June 2024 | |
Share specific questions for administrators to use to help identify teachers with high quality digital and teaching learning skills. | Interview questions | Once Per Year | April 2020 | |
Fund and utilize the technology sustainability plan and share with all stakeholders. |
District Technology Purchasing Records District website |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Collaborate with the finance department to develop a long-term funding plan that evaluates district spending priorities and district allocation of funds for digital teaching & learning. | Meeting agendas and minutes Budget Records | Once Per Year | June 2024 | |
Continue to participate in NC Home Base and state provided network managed services and support | Usage Reports Invoices | Once Per Year | June 2024 | |
Evaluate and procure digital resources and hardware through a collaborative effort among all departments led by the Digital Learning & Technology teams. | Digital Procurement Process documents and forms Evaluations Invoices Meeting agendas |
Once Per Year | June 2024 | |
Continue to use and improve the process for evaluating any digital subscriptions and services prior to purchasing and renewal. | Evaluation Rubric | Once Per Year | June 2024 | |
Provide a district-wide system that allows two-way communication with monitoring between schools, teachers, parents, and communities. | Purchase Orders | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Digital Learning Plan Committee will meet annually to review evidence to support the completion of strategies and action steps and evaluate the district's progress. | Digital Learning Rubric Results | Ongoing | May 2024 |
Category 2: Human Capacity
District PD Catalog
Attendance LogsHuman Capacity is the keystone to ensure that the classrooms of North Carolina's public schools are places of opportunity, innovation, and academic achievement. Through building and expanding the skills, knowledge, and available resources, challenges can be overcome to maximize student success. and communicate the importance of digital citizenship. As digital teaching and learning experiences become more integrated into instruction, these areas are
critical for the access, safety, and success of students.
Goal 1: All staff have continuous access to quality professional learning that is utilized and accessed on a regular basis for continuous growth.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Accomplished 2024-2025: |
Alignment to Other Plans & Initiatives: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Provide protected professional development workdays where a variety of sessions are offered, so that teachers can select digital learning topics based on professional needs. | District Calendar PD Attendance Logs | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Expand micro-credential opportunities that allow for personalization of professional development and includes an artifact component that shows impact on student learning. | District PD Catalog | Quarterly | June 2024 | |
Utilize Digital Learning & Media coordinators, Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists, and/or STEAMA Curriculum Facilitators to deliver personalized digital learning focused PD sessions in small group settings using multiple pedagogical strategies during planning, PLCs or after-school to develop proficiency in the NC Digital Learning Competencies. |
Surveys/Evaluations |
Quarterly | June 2024 | |
Mentors, Grade Level Chairs, Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists, and STEAMA Curriculum Facilitators will provide ongoing support through peer observation, assessment, coaching, professional learning communities, and mentoring. | Instructional Rounds Coaching Records PLC Logs |
Monthly/As Needed | June 2024 | |
Prioritize funding to secure substitutes and/or release time for focused personalized professional development opportunities based on district strategic plan. | Budget Records District PD Catalog | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Plan for and secure funding for a summer comprehensive professional development event that provides a range of PD opportunities (Curriculum, Digital Learning, Support Services, etc.) for current and new employees. | Summer PD Plan | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Provide personalized professional development and/or micro-credentials for administrators on leading digital initiatives, including evaluation of authentic digital learning. | District PD Catalog PD Attendance Logs |
Quarterly | June 2024 | |
Utilize video equipment to capture high quality digital teaching and learning to share with teachers throughout the district. | Videos Online PD Courses |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Increase the number of grade level and/or content specific digital learning professional development offerings. | District PD Catalog Attendance Logs | Twice A Year | June 2024 | |
Digital Learning & Media Coordinators and Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists will provide site-based digital learning coaching with teachers based on individual needs. | Coaching logs | Monthly/As Needed | June 2024 | |
Encourage and promote high quality professional development opportunities that are competency based and job embedded that requires teachers to demonstrate mastery prior to receiving CEUs. | Professional Development Offerings CEUs requirementes | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Conduct a professional development comprehensive needs assessment to determine areas of focus. | Comprehensive needs assessment document and data Professional Development Offerings CEUs requirements |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Provide professional development for instructional support staff (ESL, SCFs, BT Coordinators, CIMCs, EC, etc.) on effective adult learning instruction and coaching strategies. | District PD Catalog Attendance Logs |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Digital Learning Professional development sessions will be designed around utilizing technology to modify and transform the learning environment to increase student engagement and learning. | Professional Development Agenda Professional Development Artifacts | Yearly | June 2024 |
Goal 2: There is consistent and equitable access to Instructional Technology Facilitators and School Library Media Coordinators to support the implementation of digital teaching and learning strategies.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Employ Digital Learning & Media coordinators, STEAMA Curriculum Facilitators, and/or Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists to deliver personalized digital-learning focused PD sessions in small group settings using multiple pedagogical strategies during planning, PLCs or after-school to develop proficiency in the NC Digital Learning Competencies. Target: 12 Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists Goal: 4 Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists Current: 1 permanent Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists |
Human Resource Data | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Employ Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists that are able to provide equitable and ongoing support through peer observation, assessment, coaching, professional learning communities, and mentoring. |
Human Resource Data | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Secure funding to support four Digital Teaching & Learning Specialist positions who are able to provide equitable and ongoing support through peer observation, assessment, coaching, professional learning communities, and mentoring. |
Human Resource Data | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Advocate for flexible scheduling for Digital Learning & Media Coordinators during the day in order to allow them to serve in the full capacity of their job description. |
School Schedules | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Utilize the Digital Learning & Media Coordinators to provide site-based digital learning coaching with teachers based on individual needs when district Digital Teaching & Learning Specialists are not on campus. |
Coaching Logs | Monthly/As Needed | June 2024 |
Goal 3: Technical staff is available to effectively support all staff and students with minimal disruptions to teaching and learning.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Proficient 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Employ 1 technician per 800 devices in order effectively support all staff and students with rapid repair times. Target: 35 techs Goal: 13 techs Current: 7 permanent techs | Human Resource Data | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Investigate developing a student tech team at each high school and possibly the K-8 schools to be trained on basic tech support in order to provide support for the schools' technical needs. |
Student Tech Team Plan | Yearly | December 2024 |
Category 3: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are necessary components to engage students and create transformative learning experiences enhanced by digital teaching and learning. Curriculum is the driving force for what students learn in the classroom while instruction describes the delivery methods that engage students in learning. Assessment allows for the determination of what students have learned.
Goal 1: All staff have access to and use digital content that is continually vetted and aligns with curriculum and assessment expectations for student learning ability levels.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
Alignment to Other Plans & Initiatives: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Improve access to and communicate with all stakeholders the digital content & resources available to students, teachers, and parents. |
DCS Websites Communication records |
Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Increase utilization of the applications available to students, teachers, and parents through NC Home Base (Parent Portal, Canvas, Schoolnet) and other resources. | Usage Records | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Purchase licenses for a learning management system for students and teachers for full implementation in classrooms. |
Invoices |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Continue to utilize and improve the district digital content procurement process in alignment with the state requirements for schools and departments to ensure resources are vetted, aligned, and accessible for all students. | Procurement Forms and Process Document |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Provide training and support for schools and departments on the district digital content procurement process to help them use the rubric more effectively to guide decisions. | Professional Development Calendar events and evaluations |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Include usage data on the digital content procurement process for renewals to help guide purchase decisions. | Procurement Forms | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Encourage administrators, curricular support, and/or teachers to share and customize curated and/or developed digital content at the school and/or district level through available district tools. | Usage Records District PD Catalog Content Records |
Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Ensure flexible scheduling for media centers, so that Digital Learning & Media coordinators and Digital Learning & Technology Support Specialists may be a part of school level PLCs to collaboratively plan and enhance instruction. | Media Center Schedule PLC Attendance logs/minutes | Yearly | June 2021 | |
Implement and effectively use the district learning management systems to support active and engaged learning in all grades. |
Usage records |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Provide digital tools, resources, and data to support academic and behavior interventions and academic enrichment. | Digital Content | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Continue to update and create online learning management course content (i.e. Canvas Blueprint Courses and Rethink Course Content) to support areas of high need. | Course Offerings | Yearly | Ongoing | |
Explore utilizing technology resources to leverage teachers throughout the district by providing virtual instruction to ensure equitable access to honors, APs, and high-area of need subjects. | Course Offerings | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Utilize and promote open educational resources (OER) in the classroom. | Lesson Plan Instructional Resources website | Ongoing | June 2024 |
Goal 2: Supplemental resources are available to staff and students through physical and digital collections.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Ensure flexible scheduling for media centers, so that Digital Learning & Media coordinators and Digital Learning & Technology Support Specialists may be a part of school level PLCs to collaboratively plan and enhance instruction. | Media Center Schedule PLC Attendance logs/minutes | Yearly | Fall 2023 | |
The district and each school will develop a collection development plan and school digital learning plan based on data and instructional needs to drive all future purchases. | School Collection Development Plans School Digital Learning Plans |
Yearly | Fall 2023 | |
Advocate for additional yearly library book funds to ensure up-to-date supplemental collections that are both physical and digital. | Budget Documents, purchase orders | Yearly | June 2024 |
Goal 3: All staff demonstrate mastery of the NC Digital Learning Competencies to create blended and personalized learning experiences to improve student outcomes.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Proficient 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Redefine, clarify, and align the district instructional framework that supports STEAMA personalized learning. | Instructional Framework Documents | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Provide continuous and ongoing professional development around the instructional framework | professional development calendar and evaluations |
Ongoing | June 2024 | |
District leaders and administrators drive the shift to blended and personalized learning experiences to improve student outcomes through observation & evaluation. | Walkthrough Data | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
All teachers and administrators will demonstrate proficiency in the NC Digital Learning Competencies. | Walkthrough Data Self-Assessment Data, final NCEES data |
Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Increase the number of "Blended Learning Educators" across the district and provide those teachers with intensive support in developing personalized data-driven digital learning practices, which will allow other teachers the opportunity to observe and implement digital learning strategies. | Blended Learning Educator documents |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Increase student technology use within the classroom that focuses on personalized digital learning activities that integrate critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity skills. |
Walkthrough Data |
Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Conduct digital learning focused walk-throughs periodically throughout the year. | Rubric and Calendar of Events | Quarterly | June 2024 | |
Provide curated Digital Citizenship lessons that are required to be taught for each grade level. | Resources Lesson Plan |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Include NC Digital Learning Standards for Students alignment in current curriculum and pacing guides to support instruction. | Resources Lesson Plans |
Yearly | June 2024 |
Category 4: Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Data privacy and cybersecurity are fundamental for a positive student learning experience and communicate the importance of digital citizenship. As digital teaching and learning experiences become more integrated into instruction, these areas are critical for the access, safety, and success of students.
Goal 1: Align data privacy and cybersecurity policies and procedures with current best practice and federal and state laws.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Accomplished 2024-2025: |
Alignment to Other Plans & Initiatives: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Continue to research best practices and laws in regard to data privacy and cybersecurity policies and procedures. | Meeting Agendas and Minutes | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Fund and develop a cybersecurity team to review data privacy policies and procedures yearly and make changes as needed. | Cybersecurity Team List | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Continue to implement the state data integration process and require updated data privacy agreements for all vendors yearly. | Digital Procurement Document and Forms | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Integrate student/parent access to the PowerSchool Student/Parent Portal through the DCS Mobile App to access student information (schedules, performance and attendance.) | Student/Parent Portal accounts DCS Mobile App accounts |
Once | June 2021 |
Goal 2: Implement a process for continuous improvement for data protection and risk management.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Cybersecurity team will develop a continuous improvement plan for data privacy and risk management that includes role based permissions, data privacy incident plans, professional learning needs for the cybersecurity team. | Continuous Improvement Plan | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Cybersecurity team will meet quarterly to review data and assess risks and run mock security disaster drills. | Meeting Agendas | Quarterly | June 2024 | |
Ensure the interoperability of digital resources to help minimize account vulnerabilities. | Digital Procurement Document and Forms | Ongoing | June 2024 |
Goal 3: Provide and communicate professional learning around the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy for all stakeholders.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Collect baseline data on staff data privacy and cybersecurity awareness through Knowbe4 platform. | Knowbe4 Data | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Conduct quarterly professional development activities to increase professional learning around the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy for all stakeholders and required for staff and students. | Professional Development Catalog and District Online Safety and Cyberbullying Classroom Logs |
Quarterly | June 2024 | |
Run quarterly phishing campaigns via KnowBe4 to help identify high-risk staff in order provide additional training and support. | Knowbe4 Data | Quarterly | June 2024 |
Category 5: Technology, Infrastructure, & Devices
Technology, infrastructure, and devices serve as necessary components in digital teaching
and learning. By ensuring that all students have equitable access to updated devices with
modern technology and internet access, student learning outcomes improve. Regular
updates and maintenance of technology, infrastructure, and devices are necessary for
continuous improvement.
Goal 1: Learning spaces are equipped with appropriate, functional technology to facilitate student growth and learning.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
Alignment to Other Plans & Initiatives: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Purchase peripheral devices (document cameras, displays, digital microscopes, etc.) that can be controlled by teacher and student devices. | Purchase Records | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Ensure that all media centers have a flexible design to promote the use of the spaces as educational hubs for collaboration, makerspaces, & innovation. | Meeting agendas Media Center schedule Observation and Evaluation |
Yearly | June 2024 | |
Ensure that all learning spaces (classroom, STEM Labs, Media Centers, etc.) provide individual and collaborative workspaces. | Classroom Observations | Yearly | June 2024 | |
Continually update and evaluate the sustainability plan to ensure that routine & comprehensive replacement cycles exist for all technology devices and technology infrastructure. | Budget Reports Sustainability Plan |
Once Per Year | June 2021 | |
Provide mobile power sources that can be used in all learning environments to ensure sufficient power for devices. |
Purchase Orders Observation Data |
As Needed | Ongoing | |
Conduct a comprehensive needs evaluation to determine additional devices and peripherals. |
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data |
As Needed | Ongoing | |
Require schools to create a digital learning and technology plan to determine needs to guide purchases and digital learning needs. | School Digital Learning and Technology Plan |
As Needed | Ongoing |
Goal 2: All schools have the infrastructure to support digital teaching and learning
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Develop a continuous improvement plan in order to refresh network infrastructure and update as needed based on evaluation. | Performance Reports and Evaluation Data |
Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Encourage and promote the use of the work order system. | Usage Report | Daily | June 2024 | |
Use 1:1 Plus to monitor and track technology inventory and assets | 1:1 Data and Reports Purchase Orders |
Ongoing | June 2023 | |
Continue to implement centralized printing for both black/white and color copies in all schools | Contract with vendor | Yearly | June 2023 |
Goal 3: Students and staff have appropriate access to the internet at school and their residence.
Current Ranking: | 2023-2024: Developing 2024-2025: |
District Strategies | Evaluation Methods | Frequency | Target Date | Current Status |
Evaluate school network, Internet connection bandwidth, and wireless connectivity through on-going and varied data collection. | Performance Reports | Once Per Year | June 2024 | |
Investigate the programs & encourage students to take advantage of Internet provider discounts for rural areas and economically disadvantaged families. | Meeting Agendas | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Encourage public libraries and local businesses in the area to offer free Internet access, and encourage students to utilize these services. |
Communication records | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Promote and encourage families to complete the state internet access survey to determine student internet home connections and internet needs. | Communication records | Ongoing | June 2024 | |
Seek partnerships and funding sources to continue to provide mobile hot spots to students without access. | Communication records | Ongoing | June 2024 |
Committee Members
- Walinda Batts - Assistant Principal, Wallace Elementary School
- Hannah Bell - Teacher, James Kenan High School
- Laura Bryan - Digital Learning & Media Coordinator, North Duplin Elmentary School
- Mike Chasten - Lead Technician, Duplin County Schools
- Sharnelle Dixon -Assistant Principal, James Kenan High School
- Dawn George - Chief Financial Officer, Duplin County Schools
- Jason Ginn - Chief Technology Officer, Duplin County Schools
- Kristen Hall - Chief Officer for District Effectiveness/Student Support Services/Digital Learning, Duplin County Schools
- Dwight Holland - Teacher, Duplin Early College High School
- Bill Houston - Teacher, B.F. Grady Elementary School
- Jan Houston - Digital Teaching & Learning Specialist, Duplin County Schools
- Erica Jones - Director of CTE/9-13 Curriculum, Duplin County Schools
- Tony Jones - Principal, North Duplin Jr./Sr. High School
- Corey Keffer - Teacher, East Duplin High School
- Nicole Murray - Chief Officer for STEAMA Curriculum and Instruction/Professional Development, Duplin County Schools
- Monica Rivenbark - STEAMA Curriculum Facilitator, Rose Hill - Magnolia Elementary School
- Lindsay Skidmore - Director of 6-8 Curriculum/Digital Innovation, Duplin County Schools
- Kevin Smith - Assistant Superintendent for Educational Innovation and Accountability, Duplin County Schools
- Susan Smith - Director for Exceptional Children's Services, Duplin County Schools
- Robin Sutton - Teacher, Kenansville Elementary School
- Jessica Villaruel - Teacher, Wallace Elementary School
- Any Wallace - Principal, B.F. Grady Elementary School
- Kim Wolfe - Teacher, North Duplin Jr./Sr. High School