Lesson Plan Tuning
Lesson Plan Tuning
Recommended Best Practices and Lesson Plan Tuning Tips:
- Review the Lesson Plan Tuning process and expectations with the whole staff prior to the first implementation. Each teacher should participate in Lesson Plan Tuning process three times each semester.
- Schools have found most success when the whole faculty tunes at the same time (maybe in the media center), with each small group tuning at individual tables. The principal may facilitate the whole group, and each table should have a facilitator as well.
- The lesson to be tuned may be a lesson already taught or one that will be taught in the future.
- Groups may be of the same grade level/content area or a mixture of grade levels or content areas. Both provide good feedback to the presenting teacher, and both approaches are encouraged over the course of the school year.
- It is very important to have a focus question so that the group can provide specific feedback that the teacher needs. All feedback and reflection should center around the presenter's focus question.
- The lesson presented may comprise of one class period or one part of a lesson/unit, but should not include the entire week of plans.
Lesson Plan Tuning Video (requires YouTube login)