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Mr. Edgardo Flecha and Mrs.Oneyda Mejia are our translators.  They provide translation/interpretation services for students and their parents to easily access information and actively take part in the education of their children.  Our goals are to provide resources to teachers, staff, and school personnel to improve the delivery and quality of translation and interpretation services, deliver them in a reasonable time, and generate general awareness of the importance of having quality translations and interpretations.



Mr. Edgrado Flecha

910-296-1342  ext. 1407        

K-8 Schools  


Mrs. Oneyda Mejia 


High Schools, EC and PreK



As a general rule, an interpreter/translator can be requested by schools via email or via phone.  The translators will serve schools as needed.  In addition, schools needing immediate assistance can call the translators for assistance.  

Email received from individual schools requesting document translation is replied to on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the current workload. Priority will be given to School-wide documents.

·                Parent Letters
·                Newsletters
·                Surveys
·                Parent Release Forms
·                Field Trip Forms

As a general rule, written document requests will be sent via e-mail. Requests via fax, phone, or written notes for hardcopy material will be processed on a first-come basis.  It should be authorized by a principal or any other school administrator.
·    Please send only the FINAL version of your document.
·   Depending on the length of the document, a minimum of 3 working days advance notice is requested on most translations.
·  Submit ONLY documents that can be edited and in unlocked formats (i.e., .txt, .doc, .ppt, .xlsx, etc.) No PDFs or scanned documents in .jpg or any other graphics format ( only containing pictures!).
·   In case of no other alternative than a PDF document, make sure that it can be converted to a Microsoft Word document.
·   Because the translation is not simply replacing the words of one language (English) by those of another (Spanish), in case of severely formatted/decorated document(s), it becomes difficult after translation to maintain the same appearance; so in these cases, send only the text but not the pictures. It is not the responsibility of the translator to keep the same appearance of the original document in the translation.
In situations where parents and legal guardians are non-English speakers, sometimes children are used as interpreters.  Often, this provides an immediate and suitable solution for communication with non-English-speaking parents.  However, it should be noted that in some situations the information being interpreted is often beyond the children’s comprehension, may empower the children, and changes the power balance within the family.  At times it is inappropriate for children to interpret.  Some discussions with families involve discipline, medical or mental issues, or academic performance and may make the child uncomfortable and using children as interpreters may result in loss of instructional time.  



A person with Limited English Proficiency may have difficulty speaking or reading English. Those persons will benefit from an interpreter who will translate to and from the person’s primary language. An LEP person may also need documents written in English translated into his or her primary language so that person can understand important documents related to the education of their children.  Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on the basis of race, color or national origin requires recipients of Federal financial assistance to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs, services and activities by eligible LEP persons.  On August 11, 2000, the President signed Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency". The Executive Order requires Federal agencies to examine the services they provide, identify any need for services to those with limited English proficiency (LEP), and develop and implement a system to provide those services so LEP persons can have meaningful access to them.

June 2016 


Janice Goldsby, Special Advisor for Federal Programs and School Counseling 

Celia Uranga, Federal Programs