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McKinney-Vento Homeless Program


For the first time, there was a nationwide effort to identify homeless students in the 2010-11 school year.  During that year, schools across the nation identified over 1 million children and youth who experienced homelessness during the 2010-2011 school year (NCHE, 2013).  In a nation with economic challenges and shrinking public resources, the number of homeless children and youths has steadily increased over the past 10 years.  As a district, we understand and reach out to our homeless students to insure their academic results are not harshly impacted by their homelessness. 

In Duplin County Schools, each school has a social worker who is responsible for working with McKinney-Vento students and families.  
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your school social worker or principal for more information.

Duplin County Schools McKinney-Vento Referrals

2023-2024 - 186

2022-2023 - 153 

2021-2022 - 144

2020-2021 - 99

2019-2020 - 173

2018-2019 -  251

2017-2018 - 120

2016-2017 - 164

  2015-2016 - 189

  2014-2015 - 178 

If you would like more information on Homeless Education , please click on the links below:

North Carolina Homeless Education Program

McKinney Vento Act definition of Homeless and who qualifies

Information for Parents/Unaccompanied Homeless Youth rights-English

Information for Parents/Unaccompanied Homeless Youth rights-Spanish

Information for School Age Youth/Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Rights-English

Information for School Age Youth/Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Rights-Spanish 

State Coordinator NC Homeless Education Program

Lisa Phillips: (336)315-7491 

Duplin County Schools Homeless Liaison Contacts

Kristen Hall, Chief Officer for District Effectiveness/Student Support Services & Digital Learning 910-296-6627

Beth Lanier, DCS Lead Social Worker (910)289-7700