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School Reassignment Requests

Information for Student Reassignment Applications:

Each student in the Duplin County School System is expected to attend the school designated for the geographic assignment area in which he/she resides. A parent or guardian  who is dissatisfied with a school assignment may request reassignment to a different school. The Superintendent or designee shall have the authority to approve or deny requests for reassignment for satisfactory reasons as established by the superintendent and communicated to students, parents, and guardians.

Enrollment in Duplin County Schools is generally limited to those students who meet the domicile or residence requirements.  However, on occasion, special circumstances may warrant a student's enrollment in a different school system.  

Reassignment requests may be considered for approval for any reason if there is a seat available at the requested school. Parents may request changes in school assignment per steps outlined in Duplin County Schools Policy Code 41504130 or 4130-R (out of county requests).

Fee: A fee of $10.00 will be charged for each application that is submitted.

Revocations:  The principal of the school has the authority to recommend to the superintendent to revoke or non-renew a transfer or reassignment if the student fails to be in good standing in terms of academics, discipline, and other measures of standing and progress in the school district.

Transportation:  Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian of the student receiving the reassignment unless the student is approved for a reassignment for Child Care and public school transportation is provided from the approved provider’s location.

Timeline:  Requests for student reassignment must be submitted via the Duplin County Schools Request for Reassignment online portal within the established window between March 1 and March 31 or within 10 days of receiving notice of the school assignment.  

Tuition:  Refer to Policy Code 4135 Tuition for Discretionary Admissions.

Application:  A request for reassignment must be submitted in writing via the Duplin County Schools Request for Reassignment online portal.  You may access the application portal at

For More Information or assistance with the online portal, contact: Anna Lanier, Student Support Services, Athletics and Driver's Education Office Manager (910-296-6628), or Kristen W. Hall, Chief Officer for District Effectiveness, Student Support Services and Digital Learning  (910-296-6627,