Our District
Welcome to Duplin County Schools!
Located in rural eastern North Carolina, Duplin County Schools offer the best of both worlds, a hometown atmosphere in close proximity to the coast and capital of North Carolina. Duplin County Schools consists of thirteen public schools that include seven K-8 schools, one K-6 school, four traditional high schools, and an early college high school.
Duplin County Schools is excited to share with you the 2023 edition of Bright Spots! This publication provides a glimpse of all the wonderful things happening in our system. Readers will experience school highlights and hear from teachers and students about what makes their school special. Following the schools section, you will learn more about district highlights, programs, services, and departments of our system in Duplin County Schools A-Z.
Duplin County Schools is excited to share with you the 2023 edition of Report to the Community! In this issue, you will find a snapshot of information related to District Perspectives, DCS Strategic Planning, Student Academic Success, Distinguished Leaders, Teachers, and Personnel, District Highlights, State Accountability Results/Strategies for Success, Athletics, Utilization of ESSER/CARES funding across the district, and so much more. Thank you for taking the time to review the newest publication of Report to the Community.