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Grant Opportunities

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Interested in beautifying your school grounds?  Tons of grants are available for just that!  Check out this link:


 Upcoming Grant Opportunities


Ag in the Classroom Going Local Teacher Grants


North Carolina Farm Bureau is happy to provide agricultural outreach grants to North Carolina teachers through the Ag in the Classroom . . . Going Local program. These grants value up to $500.

Going Local Grants help educators provide Pre-K through collegiate level students with valuable, real-world education and experiences directly related to the agricultural industry and the NC Standard Course of Study. Teachers practicing in private and public North Carolina schools, colleges, and universities are encouraged to apply.




children walking through a forest

GO Grants

The North Carolina Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council is pleased to announce the creation of the North Carolina Schools Go Outside (GO) Grant to help address the main barrier to getting kids outside during the school day – funding. Field trips and outdoor experiences offer students opportunities to explore and learn in hands-on environments. With limited dollars available from our local school systems, such engaging and active styles of learning are becoming things of the past.

GO Grants are $250 to $2,500 grants that will be provided to access field study locations and assist with other expenditures that result from taking students outdoors. Qualifying for grants require instructors demonstrate how the experience will address topics currently being taught in class and that the experience meets the goals of the Outdoor Heritage Trust Fund plan. The program also allows staff at field study sites to apply on behalf of teachers with their permission.  Grants can range from $250 to $2,500.

The GO Grants will be awarded by the North Carolina Outdoor Heritage Trust Fund for Youth Outdoor Heritage Promotion which is administered by the North Carolina Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council. The Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council and Trust Fund were established in 2015 by the North Carolina General Assembly in an effort to expand the opportunities for persons age 16 and under to engage in outdoor recreational activities.

Every student in North Carolina should have the opportunity to go explore the great outdoors. To help students, please consider making a contribution to the North Carolina Outdoor Heritage Trust Fund.

For questions contact Matthew Mercer at 919-707-4036 or

Guidelines for applying: 

  • Grants are awarded for amounts $250-$2,500. The amount you are requesting cannot exceed $2,500. 
  • Any North Carolina K-12 school is eligible to apply.
  • Who can apply? Any school employee or field trip location employee on behalf of the school. The money will be given directly to the school. 
  • Preference is given to trips taking place for the first time. 
  • Each school is eligible to receive one grant per class/grade per school year. For example: The same group of students can't get multiple grants but different grades at the same school can. 
  • You must list two different phone numbers as contact numbers, this helps when we have questions about your application and when notifying you of your grant approval. 

Check out these grant opportunities thanks to the NC Environmental Education webpage! 
Grants t
The following grants are listed in order by application deadline and grouped by month due. Plus, don’t miss continuing opportunities located in the “ongoing section” at the end.


    North Carolina Native Plant Society offers B. W. Wells grants of up to $1,000.00 to support stewardship of native plants and their habitats through education, protection, propagation, and advocacy. These grants are available to organizations, including federal, state, and local agencies. Grant applications may be submitted at any time, but awards are dependent on the availability of funds.
    Each year, Seed Savers Exchange donates seeds to hundreds of organizations and gardens in need through its Herman's Garden Seed Donation Program.
    North Carolina's electric cooperatives serve more than 2.5 million people across North Carolina in 93 of the state’s 100 counties. The cooperatives emphasize the importance of community involvement, integrity, accountability and innovation, and as part of that commitment, sponsor Bright Ideas education grants. These grants provide funding for hands-on classroom projects for students in grades K–12 throughout the state.
    The K4C Microgrant Program is the bridge between ideas and action. By providing microgrants in varying amounts up to $1,000, K4C helps young citizen leaders execute and magnify their initiatives to help repair our world. Whether it is turning a vacant lot into a community garden, rebuilding a school playground or helping senior citizens get their homes ready for winter, they want to hear what project you’re passionate about. Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
    U.S. students ages 13-22 who are going abroad to volunteer or study in a developing country are encouraged to apply for an international service-learning mini-grant of up to $300. Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
    As part of Annie's commitment to school gardens, the company created the Annie's Garden Funder on CrowdRise to empower schools and like-minded friends to raise money for school gardens.
    The grants on our page ( tend to specifically address environmental education and related projects in schools, nonformal education settings and communities. If you are looking for more classroom and school improvement grants, our friends at Environmental Education in Georgia include some grants of this nature in their listing at
    CR KIDS is an innovative and easy clothing recycling and fundraising program that can run anytime of the school year. Through a partnership with PODS® and dedication to our mission of People Recycling for People, Community Recycling provides an easy and no-cost, turn-key program that provides rewards beyond standard fundraising.
    Want to make a difference? Take action? Solve a tough community problem? YSA can help! Whether you’re a kid, teen, educator, or adult mentor, YSA Grants power youth-led service and service-learning projects with funding, training, and resource support. Funding amount ranges from $250 to $5,000.
    ShoeBox Recycling ensures that unwanted shoes are diverted from landfills and reach the feet of people in need around the world. It is also a fundraising program that will help you earn some extra funds for your organization or any charitable organization you support! You will earn $0.25 per pound or $0.50 per pound if you send 5+ boxes at one time.
    Walmart partners with organizations that operate on a national scale in communities throughout the country. They provide funds to organizations that have local affiliates around the country, and the majority of grants from this program include re-grants to implement programs in local communities. Grants funded at $250,000 or above.
    The Cornell Douglas Foundation provides grants to organizations that advocate for environmental health and justice, encourage stewardship of the environment, and further respect for sustainability of resources. The average grant amount is $10,000. Applications accepted year-round.
    The National Wildlife Federation's tree bank program provides free, native tree seedlings to schools, youth groups and nonprofit organizations. Rolling application process.
    The Environmental Research & Education Foundation accepts proposals for research projects and educational initiatives for developing tools that promote awareness or increase knowledge of the solid waste industry. Awards are generally up to $500,000. Pre-proposals are due by 5 p.m. each May 21 and October 1.
    The Bank of America offers grants that support high-impact initiatives, organizations and the development of visionary leaders. Schools with farm-to-school programs may be eligible under the areas: (1) assisting with food access and/or (2) developing career leadership and skills. Requests for proposals are issued three times per year.
    The LEGO Children’s Fund provides grants primarily in two focus areas: (1) early childhood education and development that is directly related to creativity and (2) technology and communication projects that advance learning opportunities. Typical awards are between $500 and $5,000. Applications accepted four times a year.
    The Bush Fellowship is an opportunity for individuals to increase their capacity for and improve their practice of leadership, while working with others to solve tough problems in their communities. Applications accepted three times per year.
    Westinghouse provides grants to nonprofit programs that support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education, environmental sustainability, and community vitality. Grants of up to $5,000 are available for programs located not more than 100 miles from a Westinghouse site. Applications are accepted year-round and reviewed two times per year.
    Costco Wholesale grants support programs focusing on children, education and health and human services. They look to achieve the greatest impact where Costco’s employees and members live and work. Only 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, which meet their giving guidelines and focus areas, are considered. Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis.
    The current rate of funding for science proposals in the U.S. is about 20%. The #SciFund Challenge is an experiment – can scientists use crowdfunding to fund their research? It is also a way to get scientists to directly engage with the public. Crowdfunding forces scientists to build public interaction and outreach into their research from day one.
    Campus Progress works with youth-led community and campus groups on various issues, including the environment. Young people can join an Action Alliance with Campus Progress by applying for an organizing grant of up to $1,500 a year to help with websites, fliers or anything else they might need. Organizing grant applications are accepted year round.
    FundingFactory is a free program where schools, non-profits, and charities earn points that can be redeemed for cash or products by recycling their empty printer cartridges, cell phones, laptops, and other small electronics.
    The NiSource Charitable Foundation funds nonprofit organizations focusing on learning and science education, environmental and energy sustainability, community vitality and development, and public safety and human services. Eligible organizations must have a direct impact in a NiSource service area.
    The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) and Dreyer's Fruit Bars are planting orchards across the country in a collaborative program called "Communities Take Root," and your town could be next! They invite your community to apply for this exciting opportunity to grow fresh fruit, beautify neighborhoods, strengthen relationships and build community food security—all through the simple act of planting fruit trees.
    “Fruit Tree 101” is a program that creates outdoor edible orchard classrooms at public schools of all levels, across the country, to provide generations of students with environmental education opportunities and a source of organic fruit for improved school lunch nutrition.
    The EarthEcho Water Planet Challenge Grants of $2,000 are available to middle and high school public educators to support service-learning programs that improve the health of the planet. Applications are accepted throughout the year and reviewed three times per year.
    When children’s lives are filled with play, we all benefit: our communities will be healthier and happier today, and our society will be stronger and more resilient tomorrow. KaBOOM! offers a number of community-built playground grants to empower friends and neighbors to collaborate for a common cause – to bring play to their communities. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
    The Simply Organic 1% fund supports and promotes the growth of organic and sustainable agriculture. One percent of sales on all Simply Organic spices, seasonings, flavors and mixes goes to support organic agriculture — through research, education and grower development.
    The Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation supports grassroots organizations and movements in the U.S. working to change environmental, social, economic and political conditions to bring about a more just, equitable and sustainable world. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
    Awesome Food, a chapter of the worldwide Awesome Foundation, is accepting grant applications to further food awesomeness in the universe. Applications are reviewed as they are received. One grant is awarded each month.
    Need some funding for your crazy brilliant idea? The Awesome Foundation awards $1,000 grants every month. It couldn't be simpler. Deadlines are rolling.
    Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools is a grassroots public health effort to engage stakeholders at the local, state and national level to support salad bars in schools. The program's goal is to fund and award 6,000 salad bars over the next three years. Any K-12 school district participating in the National School Lunch Program is eligible. Applications accepted throughout the year.
    The International Paper Foundation supports non-profit organizations in communities where its employees live and work. Environmental education is one of the primary areas the Foundation supports. An online application process routes applications to the appropriate local facility for consideration. Contact your local facility for submission deadlines.
    Public school teachers who register their classroom at the Adopt-a-Classroom website can be adopted by an individual, business or foundation. Once adopted, teachers will receive credit to purchase items that enrich the learning environment, including classroom technology.
    Patagonia seeks proposals from organizations working on the root causes of environmental problems and approaching issues with a commitment to long-term change. Most grants are in the range of $2,500 to $15,000. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year at Patagonia retail stores and at company headquarters every April 30 and August 31.
    Get "seed" money for your school through a fundraising program from Renee's Garden. When you sign up for the program, 25% of every order will be donated to your school or organization.
    Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas supports projects in biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, environmental justice and environmental education. While proposals are accepted all year, ideal timing is during the first quarter of the calendar year.
    Each week, Youth Service America names an Everyday Young Hero, age 5-25, who exemplifies an extraordinary commitment to service. This year, YSA will also select 12 winners - one per month - to receive $250 grants to continue and expand their project.
    Your school will receive credit for any type of ink or toner cartridges that are not visibly damaged. You may also receive credit for qualifying small electronics, such as cell phones and MP3 players.
    The Cedar Tree Foundation makes grants in the areas of children's environmental health, sustainable agriculture, and other environmental priorities. It does not have a set budget for its grants or a pre-determined timeline. Grants most likely will be in the range of $20,000 to $100,000.
    The Lawrence Foundation is a private, family foundation focused on making grants to support environmental, education, human services and other causes. Applications are open to any organization that meets the grant guidelines. Grants are awarded every June and December.
    Through the Sip to Support a Garden program, schools and community gardens can earn year-round funding for their garden programs. Register your school or public community garden group with Jamba's swipe card program and every time a supporter of your group uses the card at a participating Jamba Juice, your program gets 10% of the sales.
    Youth Venture inspires and invests in teams of young people to design and launch their own lasting social ventures, enabling them to have a transformative experience of leading positive social change. When the team is ready to launch, Youth Venture offers seed funding up to $1,000, guidance, tools and support, and a supportive network of fellow Youth Venturers.
    The Northrop Grumman Corporation supports communities, projects and organizations, particularly where its employees live and work, with financial, in-kind and volunteer resources. Grants are awarded to accredited schools and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations for projects focused on education and the environment, among others. Northrop Grumman does not accept unsolicited requests for funding.
    These grants seek to strengthen the stewardship of public lands by strengthening Friends Groups through funding for organizational capacity building. Applications are accepted April 30 and October 30 every year.
    The SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund provides grants in support of wildlife conservation projects - including conservation education. Grants generally range from $5,000 to $25,000. Applications are accepted twice per year: April 30 and November 30.
    The Office Depot Foundation awards grants to support activities that serve, teach and inspire children, youth and families, and to support civic organizations and activities that serve community needs. Grants range from $50 to $3,000. Applications are reviewed year-round.
    Hi users! It's our privilege to provide this resource for you. Have you applied for, or even better, received a grant or contest that you learned about from this page? Please let us know about it. Just send a quick email to and let us know. This will help us better serve you!
    The Verizon Foundation awards grants to K-12 schools to increase literacy and educational achievement levels. Proposals are considered from public and private elementary and secondary schools registered with the National Center for Education Statistics. Unsolicited proposals are reviewed on a continuous calendar year basis, from January 1 - October 14.
    The ING Foundation awards grants of $2,500 to $100,000 and more to non-profit organizations. The Foundation focuses on financial literacy, children’s education, diversity and environmental sustainability. Grant requests are reviewed quarterly.
    The MeadWestvaco Foundation seeks to provide leadership for advancing research, education and public dialogue on public policy issues of special interest, such as the economy, regulation and environmental stewardship. Proposals for grants are accepted throughout the year. Grants range from $250 to $10,000. invites teens in the U.S. to apply for grants to fund their community service ideas across any one of 16 issue areas, including the environment. Grant requests are reviewed and responded to on a monthly basis. Grants up to $500 are awarded.
    The objective of the National Geographic Conservation Trust is to support conservation activities around the world as they fit within the mission of the National Geographic Society. The trust will fund projects that contribute significantly to the preservation and sustainable use of the Earth's biological, cultural, and historical resources. While grant amounts vary greatly, most range from $15,000 to $20,000 each. Pre-applications accepted throughout the year, but should be submitted at least eight months prior to anticipated field dates.
    Recognizing that healthy, thriving communities depend on involved citizens, organizations, and corporate partners for momentum, Waste Management lends its support and services to programs related to environmental education, the environment and the community. Applications accepted year-round.
    The BoatU.S. Foundation awards nonprofit organizations up to $10,000 for the promotion of safe and clean boating education. Past topics have ranged from public service announcements on the effects of boating under the influence to hands-on education about the effects of marine debris. Letters of intent accepted year-round.
    Orchards are donated where the harvest will best serve communities for generations, such as community gardens, public schools and parks, low-income neighborhoods, Native American reservations, international hunger relief sites, and animal sanctuaries. Fruit Tree 101 grants for public schools only. Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
    The USDA has programs throughout its operations that can assist farmers, help consumers access nutritious foods, and support rural community development. This page lists several programs and grants to assist those involved in local food systems, food and nutrition-related community development and farm to school programs.
    The Wal-mart State Giving Program seeks to support organizations with programs that align with its mission to create opportunities so people can live better. The Foundation has four areas of focus: Education, Workforce Development / Economic Opportunity, Health & Wellness, and Environmental Sustainability. Minimum grants are $25,000. The submission deadlines are April 17 and September 18 each year.
    Toyota Motor Sales, USA Inc. and the Toyota USA Foundation support programs in education, environment and safety. Applicant organizations must be tax-exempt. Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
    The Georgia-Pacific Foundation supports organizations that improve the quality of life in communities where Georgia-Pacific operates. Grants are awarded for educational efforts, community enrichment, environmental programs, and entrepreneurship initiatives. Requests are reviewed on a rolling cycle throughout the year. Due to year-end limited funding, early submission is encouraged.
    The Annenberg Foundation focuses its grantmaking on education and youth development; arts, culture, and humanities; civic and community; animal services and the environment; and health and human services. Letters of inquiry that address these interests are accepted throughout the year.
    Competitive grants are available to not-for-profit, grassroots organizations in the U.S. that facilitate progressive social change by addressing the underlying conditions of societal and environmental problems. Only proposals from grassroots, constituent-led organizations are considered. Letters of interest may be submitted at any time.
    K-12 teachers who develop or apply science, math and technology may qualify for a grant of up to $250. Grants may be used for demonstration kits, science supplies, math and science software and other materials to help make science, math and technology come alive in the classroom. Grants will be considered in November, January and April.
    GCA offers several research fellowships and scholarships for undergrads, grads and people already in the field. Topics include: ecological restoration, urban forestry, environmental studies, wetland studies, botany, desert studies and more.
    Each business day, 4imprint gives a worthy organization $500 in promotional products to spread the word, recruit volunteers, thank donors, offer comfort to someone in need or in some other way turns one thing into something much more.
    The ESMM Community Grants Program provides funding to local communities to implement strategies that advance the goals and objectives of Eat Smart, Move More…NC’s Plan.

Funding is awarded yearly, based on availability of funds. The RFA is generally released in May, with funding distributed to grant recipients in September.
    Young people ages 18-25 are eligible to apply for grants to pursue research, exploration, and conservation-related projects consistent with National Geographic's existing grant programs, including the Committee for Research and Exploration, the Expeditions Council, and the Conservation Trust. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
    Environmental Education Centers may be eligible for a grant from The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). (Federal Agencies and for-profit institutions are not elegible.) The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development.
    The Fund for Wild Nature provides "small grants to small groups who get things done." The fund provides money for campaigns (including development of citizen science endeavors) to save and restore native species, biological diversity and wild ecosystems. Most grants awarded in the past ranged from $1,000-$3,000. Applications accepted each May 1 and October 1.
    The Lowe's Toolbox for Education program provides grant awards from $2,000 to $100,000 to support school improvement projects at K-12 public schools in the U.S. Applications are accepted twice per year.
    The Campus Ecology program is helping transform the nation's college campuses into living models of an ecologically sustainable society, while training a new generation of environmental leaders. The program awards fellowships to undergraduate and graduate students who desire to help reverse global warming on campus and beyond. The maximum grant request is $3,000.
    Digital Wish offers over 50 different grants for digital camera hardware and software. To apply, register your classroom at Digital Wish and enter a lesson plan. All teachers who submit a lesson plan will be automatically entered to win a mobile digital camera lab, plus as many as 50 technology grants. Grants are awarded the 15th of every month.
    Grants from Toshiba America Foundation fund projects, ideas and materials math and science teachers need to innovate in their classrooms, specifically projects designed by one teacher or a small team of teachers to use in their own school. Application deadlines are based on grant amount.
    EcoSolution Grants from the Captain Planet Foundation provide support for youth-led environmental projects in the form of cash grants ranging from $500-$2,500. The grants support purchase of materials and other expenses required to implement the project. Applications are accepted twice per year, each January and July.
    The American Honda Foundation awards grants up to $75,000 to youth education programs focused on STEM and the environment. New applicants can apply February 1 or August 1. Returning applicants should apply May 1.


Samsung Grant - 







Sow True Seeds