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Professional Development

For general questions regarding professional development for Duplin County Schools, please contact:

Nicole Murray
Chief Officer for STEAMA Curriculum and Instruction/Professional Development
(910) 296-6600

Professional Development Opportunities

DCS Online Micro-Credentials

Employee CEU Information

Professional Growth Instructional Videos

New Teacher Required PowerSchool Courses

All new teachers are required to complete the PowerTeacher which is used for daily attendance micro-credentials and all 3-12 new teachers will need to complete the PowerTeacher Pro micro-credential which is used as your grade book. Click the buttons below to access the courses.

PowerTeacher for New Teachers

PowerTeacher Pro for Grades 3-5 New Teachers

Required Staff Medical Training

Choose your school or department below to complete the required staff medical training.

Required DCS Mental Health Training Courses

Choose your school or department below to complete the required staff mental health training. When complete, be sure to print out your completion certificate and present it to your school social worker. 

Required DCS Staff AI Course

Choose your school or department below to complete the required staff AI course.